Is Medical Evidence Important for My Car Accident Lawsuit?
Car accidents can have harsh implications. You are lucky if you get away without any scratches in a collision. The medical testing, care, and treatment provided after an accident help gather documentation viable for future lawsuits. Any evidence...

Basics Of Preserving Evidence In Car Accident Cases
According to AAA, regular maintenance and repairs on a new automobile might cost an average of $0.09 per mile. With the high cost of upkeeping, an average American cannot afford to cope with damages caused by accidents. However, NHTSA shows that...

Modern Technology’s Impact On Car Accident Lawsuits
A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) projected that an estimated 42,915 people would die in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2021, a 10.5% increase from the 38,824 fatalities in 2020. Such statistics are concerning to read. ...

No-fault Car Accident Law: The Pip States’ Complexities
The law is rarely straightforward and can have loopholes within its clauses. Legal procedures are a headache that only some wish to deal with. Add a terrible accident to the mix, and it gets worse. The lawyer fee, property damage, medical bills,...

Navigating Insurance Claims After A Car Accident
Car accidents always demand a heavy price, not just metaphorically but also from medical injuries to car damage; getting it back to its shape may cost you an arm and a leg. To prevent that, it is vital to have insurance to cover your expenses at a greater level.

Consequences of Not Filing a Car Accident Police Report
You cannot control unforeseen situations like accidents, but you can always control the hassle after a car accident. The adrenaline rush after an accident can not only cause pain but also result in severe stress that could lead to incorrect...

A Beginner’s Guide To Hiring A Car Accident Lawyer
Even the most excellent writers make mistakes, even the most fluent speakers fumble, and even the most skilled drivers cause accidents. Dealing with accidents and the hassle they cause becomes a nightmare if you have to deal with it all by...

Causes Of Car Accidents
Due to the rapid advancement of technology and the fast-paced lifestyle that people grow up in cities, the adoption of cars has been rising drastically in recent years. The number of driving licenses issued in 2020 was 228,687, up from 190,625 in...

Hit & Run: What To Do Now?
Car accident after a hit-and-run. It seems pretty self-explanatory, don't you think? Who hasn't heard of that? The legal term, however, goes beyond its literal meaning. It covers a wide range of situations, some of which you might need to become...

Role Of The Insurance Company In A Lawsuit
What Is a Lawsuit? A lawsuit is a legal claim for compensation filed in court. Usually, in personal injury cases, a lawsuit is filed where all means to reach a settlement acceptable to both parties involved prove futile. This means that not every...